There have been reports of mysterious creatures sighted all over the Earth, since recorded history. There are reports of these creatures in all major areas or locations on the globe, these creatures are known as Cryptids or creatures of Cryptozoology. I prefer to call them simply "unknowns".
There are literally thousands of them, some hundreds of reports for just a county or state!
How can there be so many sightings of these creatures by people from all walks of life, some over hundreds of years. The only answer can be, the creatures are real. But, if such creatures are real, then why have we never found a dead Bigfoot or any scientific proof of any of the other creatures
My pondering and musings have led me the belief that these creatures are the same beings that pose as aliens, they are Fallen Angels and demons, indeed I believe that some of these creatures of Cryptozoology are Spiritual beings.Just because they are spiritual, does NOT mean that they were created by Great Spirit, they could very well have been created by the Devil as well..
Spiritual beings can change shape at will, and take on any form, from that of a creature from a nightmare to that of a beautiful woman. They can become blacker than the night, invisible, or solid as a rock. They can look like a triangle shaped UFO then change or morph into another shape. They can levitate, walk, run, fly, or disappear and travel to another part of the planet at the speed of a thought.
Spiritual creatures have great non-human strength. They can give off odors, both foul or as pleasant as a fresh flower. They can communicate by expressed words, thoughts (telepathy), they can speak foreign or lost languages that they have heard over hundreds or thousands of years. They know the past and maybe even some future events.
Spiritual creatures can leave physical traces of hairs from living animals, and even extinct animals, and they can leave hairs from genetically altered species. There will never be found a true Bigfoot hair, or bone, since they are not truly flesh and blood creatures. They are spiritual beings, and they do not have to conform to our laws of physics, unless they choose so.
Remember the Holy Bible says even Satan and his angels (spiritual creatures) can show themselves as angels of light. Spiritual creatures cannot be killed, captured or proven by any scientific equipment or means, unless they choose so.
Native Americans (Indians) have talked about Bigfoot and other mysterious beings for years. They know these beings are spiritual creatures that can change shape at will. Along with the bigfoot sightings, there are also UFO'S being seen. Some folks have even spotted a bigfoot creature, in the area right after witnessing strange lights or some other UFO.
These strange beings, not being limited to Bigfoot, but numerous other strange creatures, seem to populate most major world areas. I believe this is a key or important bit of data that may be telling us what these beings are, I believe they are another class or group of fallen angels called Principalities.
The Bible tells us there are beings called Principalities. In Romans 8:38 it says - "I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, . . . shall be able to separate us from the love of God" (Rom 8:3. Some say that this verse is talking about powerful world leaders such as princes or presidents and kings, but I do not believe so. I believe it is talking about a powerful group of beings (fallen angels) that preside over regions of the earth. These beings control legions of lesser beings, or demons (evil spirits) under them in these areas of the world. These principalities quite likely, report directly to Satan and get their orders right from him.
Another Bible passage that makes me believe that these creatures of cryptozoology, spiritual beings are the Principalities mentioned in the Holy Bible is this passage in: Ephesians 6:12: "'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". That verse tells us what these Principalities truly are, they are NOT flesh and blood creatures, so how can they be earthly princes, presidents or kings ? They are indeed spiritual beings.The reason these principalities manifest as these monsters, is they feed off the fear that is given off by the humans that encounter them.
Okay, enough of my tirade/lecture. I know I have said it many times over the years, but I am getting desperate in making people understand the importance of what I am saying. I do NOT want to be known as the BF lady. I want to be known for speaking the truth and leading others onto the right path!'
Some of the ministries I have given to members show that what I speak of is true, yet Others say it is false. Either way does not matter to me and mine. For the thought is in your brain, which the others pick up and use as a pathway back to you,your home,vehicle even your family. They crave our attention and will do just about anything to get it...but that is another blog for another time.....
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