There are reports that describe hairy humanoids that sound like Bigfoot, except that the head is described as looking like a wolf. Other researchers try to classify these cryptids as a subcategory of Bigfoot with long snouts and pointed ears, or as sightings of Bigfoot where the witnesses panicked so much that they superimposed werewolfish features on what was actually an ordinary Bigfoot. The people I know that have Sasquatch medicine, tell of a big creature that comes to them in spirit. Many natives believe Sasquatch is of spirit. That this creature can shape-shift and go between the seen and unseen worlds.
I was honored by a young man's trust. You see he carries the medicine of Sasquatch. Upon times of turmoil, which is when I was a witness, he shape-shifts to the creature. I've seen this three times. Completely, a full body metamorphosis at first, and on several other occasions just partially transformed. I not only saw the creature through him, but I was also given the gift of seeing an ability that only special people of certain spiritual awareness can do. This shape-shifting ability was always fable to me before. Coming from the Choctaw nation, I heard about the medicine people or people with great powers said to be able to shape-shift. I never dreamed I would move to Montana and witness such a spiritual transformation.
Shamanic rituals generally take place at night because that is when the magnetic field is most stable. During the day the electrically charged particles of the solar wind cause turbulence in the field and make interdimensional connection more difficult. It is most stable during total eclipses and this is when native peoples hold their most important ceremonies to contact and manifest other-dimensional entities.The tribal shamans still know this, and perform the medicine that is needed during this time. My friend Jon used to ask me about BF being humans who were just dreaming they were bigfoot...he was very close to the money.
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