There are doorways or "portals" in certain areas that allow energy and beings to travel from their space into our own space or universe. These entities may be what we perceive as Bigfoot,spirits, demons, extraterrestrials, or maybe something we have never even imagined.
there is much evidence that seems to indicate that many portals are at fixed places all over the world, and are constant. Some controlled experiments performed around some of these suspected portals have shown that there are definite unexplained temperature fluctuations, increased low frequency spontaneous EMF readings, increases in negative and or positive ion counts (in some cases like pulses or waves), increased background static electricity, and increased electrical as well as magnetic fields.
The openings to the portals are fixed in an area,or appear for a specific time then disappear. This blinking in and out indicates that the portal is in a state of flux, most likely due to dimension shifting or adjacent universe overlap. These portals can appear in many forms, the most common being a distortion of the area much like heat rising off the pavement on a hot summer day. Other portals may resemble a spinning cloud of mist, a shimmering curtain-like phenomenon, a near transparent sheet fluttering in the wind, or even a dark area. Many of these portals are incomplete, meaning they do not fully open between two dimensions or universes, but rather partially open, allowing information to flow back and forth, but limiting the type of information that can pass, much like a filter. For example, Electrical or magnetic waves may pass, but physical matter may not.
Just as there is positive energy around these openings, there is also the negative energy potential. As I said, a portal is a doorway,without rules or logic. Something benign may filter through, or something extremely dangerous may materialize. It is always important to use extreme caution when working around or near a suspected portal.
Just as there is positive energy around these openings, there is also the negative energy potential. As stated above, a portal is a doorway, essentially with no regulations apparent. Something harmless may come through, or something extremely dangerous may materialize. It is always important to use extreme caution when working around or near a suspected portal.
Vortices are points of power or energy on the Earth, and ley lines are what connect these points. A good analogy might be that the vortices are accupressure points, and the ley lines between them are meridians on the skin of the body of Mother Earth.
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